Genesis Drop sold out — Here’s what comes next!
With the last of 100 Genesis Riders sold out, we have completed the Genesis Phase and are ready to enter Phase 2!
Up until now, we have achieved all the goals we have set for ourselves on our Trail map: becoming verified on Kalao, setting up our own Website (already V2), creating a Discord server, publishing our Whitepaper and selling out the Genesis collection. Now it’s time to plan the next steps.
What’s coming short-term?
As can be seen on our Trail map, this month we have planned to get everything ready for the second and “real” drop with the first NFTs that can be used in the P2E. This includes:
- Detailled Tokenomics of our two tokens.
- Announcing drop dates and minting info
- Providing lots of sneak-peeks and background info on the project.
- Set up minting smart contracts on our website.
- Heavy marketing through giveaways, collabs and AMAs. (We’re trying to get first Gear NFTs out this month, so we can increase the number of giveaways dramatically. Until now, we were limited to 100 Genesis Riders, so there weren’t this many giveaways possible.)
What’s coming long-term?
For the long-term our goal is to maintain this quality of achieving the milestones we have set in our Trail map. At the moment, we aim for the entire P2E collection to be ready in Q2, while the P2E itself should be fully playable and metaverse-integrated in Q3. However we’ll release some smaller “parts” of the game earlier, such as PvP/PvE battles.
We’d like to say again thank you to all amazing Riders out there for having made the Genesis phase to be such a success! This community is absolutely awesome, and (as you already may know):
WAGMI Gang!! 🚀🏂
Note: This article has been moved here from the Chalet Lounge after our community has voted on using Medium instead of our own announcements blog.